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Sat., Oct. 14, 2023 - Sun., Jan. 21, 2024

SAT. JAN. 20, 2024 | 5 - 8 PM

Admission - $7 | Members - FREE
Refreshments will be served.

The Art and Culture Center/Hollywood is thrilled to host the 2023 South Florida Cultural Consortium. A catalogue will accompany the exhibition. 


The South Florida Cultural Consortium, an alliance of the arts councils of Broward, Martin, Miami-Dade, Monroe, and Palm Beach Counties, recognizes ten individuals from Miami-Dade County, four from Broward County, two from Palm Beach County, and two from Monroe County. The awards are conferred at either the $15,000 or $7,500 level. These grants are among the largest such honors accorded by local arts agencies to visual and media artists in the United States. 


Celebrating 35 years in 2023 (established in 1988), the SFCC has awarded over $4 million in grants to more than 300 artists. In addition to receiving the grant, the artists take part in an exhibition hosted and organized by a visual arts institution in one of the five counties. The exhibition featuring the work of the 2023 recipients will take place at The Art and Culture Center/Hollywood at 1650 Harrison Street, Hollywood, FL 33020, October 14, 2023 - January 24, 2024.

The Art and Culture Center/Hollywood holds a long-standing history with the contemporary visual arts in South Florida. Since 1975, the Center has featured exhibitions of South Florida artists, often showing their work for the first time. The 2023-24 Consortium exhibition features 18 artists who received grants to support their work. With a wide range of media including photography, film, sound, sculpture, mixed media, and painting, the exhibition will celebrate the thriving artistic community of South Florida. The exhibition is organized by Meaghan Kent, Curator of Exhibitions.

The 2023 SFCC Awarded Recipients
lou anne colodny, Richard Garet,
Vincent Miranda, Jacoub Reyes

Hermes Berrío, Liene Bosquê,
Regina Jestrow, Kim Llerena,
William Osorio, Anastasia Samoylova,
Tom Scicluna, Monica Sorelle,
misael soto, Ricardo E. Zulueta 

Tyler Buckheim, Beth Kaminstein

Molly Aubry, Nicole Doran 

The recipients were selected through a two-tier panel process which included the participation of regional and national arts experts. The 2023 regional panel, whose adjudications are based on the evaluation of the artists' work as evidenced by the work samples submitted, included: Ariella Wolens, Bryant-Taylor Curator, NSU Art Museum Fort Lauderdale (Broward); Carrington Ware, Artist, SFCC FY 20-21 Recipient, Professor, Florida International University (Broward); Véronique Côté, Galleries Director, University Galleries, Florida Atlantic University (Palm Beach); Helena Gomez, Curator, Vizcaya Museum and Gardens, (Miami-Dade); and Elvis Fuentes, Executive Director, Coral Gables Museum, (Miami-Dade).


The submissions selected by the regional panel for further consideration were forwarded for final adjudication and selection to the national panel, which was comprised of: Natasha Logan, Deputy Director, CREATIVE TIME, New York, NY; Theresa Papanikolas, Ph.D Ann M. Barwick Curator of American Art, Seattle Art Museum, Seattle, WA; and Jack Schneider, Curatorial Associate, Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago, Chicago, IL. 

How can

The deadline for applications to the 2023 - 2024 SFCC Program for
Visual and Media Artists is
Monday, October 2, 2023 11:59 PM.
Artists interested in applying should visit

The South Florida Cultural Consortium is a regional initiative in support of the arts governed by an Interlocal Agreement among the counties of Broward, Martin, Miami-Dade, Monroe and Palm Beach. The Consortium’s members are the local arts agencies of these five counties, including the Broward County Cultural Division, the Arts Council of Martin County, the Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs, the Florida Keys Council of the Arts, and the Cultural Council for Palm Beach County. The Consortium works to foster cooperation across the South Florida region to help develop and promote the work of cultural organizations and artists and the audiences that they serve. Its programs and services range from the Visual and Media Artists Program to regional arts education and cultural tourism cooperative ventures. The South Florida Cultural Consortium is one of the most successful regional arts alliances in the nation, demonstrating that by sharing resources and best practices, the arts can thrive across a burgeoning five-county area. 

The South Florida Cultural Consortium is funded in part with support from The National Endowment of the Arts, The Florida Department of State, Division of Arts and Culture and the Florida Council on Arts and Culture, the Boards of County Commissioners of Broward, Miami-Dade, Martin and Monroe Counties, and the Cultural Council of Palm Beach County. 

The Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs and the Cultural Affairs Council develop cultural excellence, diversity, access and participation throughout Miami-Dade County by strategically creating and promoting equitable opportunities for artists and cultural organizations, and our residents and visitors who are their audiences. Through staff, board and programmatic resources, the Department, the Council and the Trust promote, coordinate and support Miami-Dade County’s more than 1,000 not-for-profit cultural organizations as well as thousands of resident artists through grants, technical assistance, public information and interactive community planning. The Department directs the Art in Public Places program and serves its board, the Art in Public Places Trust, commissioning, curating, maintaining, and promoting the County’s art collection. The Department also manages, programs, and operates the African Heritage Cultural Arts Center, Joseph Caleb Auditorium, Miami-Dade County Auditorium, and Dennis C. Moss Cultural Arts Center (formerly, the South Miami-Dade Cultural Arts Center), all dedicated to presenting and supporting excellence in the arts for the entire community. The Department receives funding through the Miami-Dade County Mayor and Board of County Commissioners, The Children’s Trust, the National Endowment for the Arts, the State of Florida through the Florida Department of State, Florida Division of Arts and Culture and the Florida Council on Arts and Culture, the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, the Peacock Foundation, Inc., The Jorge M. Pérez Family Foundation at The Miami Foundation and the Taft Foundation. Other support and services are provided by TicketWeb for the Culture Shock Miami program, the Greater Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau, the South Florida Cultural Consortium and the Tourist Development Council. 

South Florida Cultural Consortium Members


Michael Spring

Chair, South Florida
Cultural Consortium

Director, Miami-Dade County
Department of Cultural Affairs


Philip Dunlap

Director, Broward Cultural Division


Elizabeth S. Young

Executive Director,
Florida Keys Council of the Arts


Dave Lawrence

President and CEO,
Cultural Council for
Palm Beach County


Nancy Turrell

Executive Director,
The Arts Council, Martin County


Amanda Sanfilippo Long

Director, South Florida
Cultural Consortium  

About Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs 

The Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs and the Cultural Affairs Council develop cultural excellence, diversity, access and participation throughout Miami-Dade County by strategically creating and promoting equitable opportunities for artists and cultural organizations, and our residents and visitors who are their audiences. The Department receives funding through the Miami-Dade County Mayor and Board of County Commissioners, The Children’s Trust, the National Endowment for the Arts, the State of Florida through the Florida Department of State, Florida Division of Arts and Culture and the Florida Council on Arts and Culture, the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, the Peacock Foundation, Inc. and The Jorge M. Pérez Family Foundation at The Miami Foundation. Other support and services are provided by TicketWeb for the Culture Shock Miami program, the Greater Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau, the South Florida Cultural Consortium and the Tourist Development Council.

1650 Harrison St.
Hollywood, FL 33020

954. 921. 3274


The Art and Culture Center/Hollywood is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization supported in part by its Members, guest admissions, public and private entities including the City of Hollywood, Broward County Cultural Division, Broward County Board of County Commissioners, Max Chira and Family, State of Florida Art and Cultural Division, National Endowment for the Arts, Community Foundation of Broward, David and Francie Horvitz Family Foundation, Maurer Family Foundation, Josephine S. Leiser Foundation, and Helen Ingham Foundation. We welcome donations from all who wish to support our work to strengthen the South Florida arts community.

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Gallery Hours

Wednesday – Friday, 10 am – 5 pm
Saturday – Sunday, Noon – 4 pm

The Galleries are closed
on Mondays and Tuesdays.

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