Elementary Teacher with her students at the Early Voices Pre-school Exhibition in the Community Gallery

South Broward Art student taking picture of their work in the community gallery

Teachers, Students and parents during a school exhibition in the community gallery

Elementary Teacher with her students at the Early Voices Pre-school Exhibition in the Community Gallery
Community arts organizations, small artist collectives, local artists, and arts educators display their or their students’ artwork in our second-floor Community Gallery. The simple-to-hang, D.I.Y. gallery space is perfect for up-and-coming artists to share their work with our audiences.
To inquire about exhibition opportunities for schools, please email education@artandculturecenter.org or call 954-378-3234.
To inquire about exhibition opportunities for local artists, community arts organizations, and small artist collectives please email curator@artandculturecenter.org or call 954.921.3274

A parent with child looking at their artwork in the community gallery.

Proud parent with their student taking picture with his artwork in the community gallery

A student taking picture with her artwork in the community gallery

A parent with child looking at their artwork in the community gallery.