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Randy Burman

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“Race was created in 2010 during a period where I was making many assemblages using wheels and casters. The starting point was often circumstantial. Placing found objects next to each other was often the beginning of a work. The resulting sculptures explored themes of metaphysical confrontation and identity, often bringing together disparate elements to reveal hidden, compelling connections, and sought to reveal the cultural forces that develop unintentionally in the real and worlds of objects, material and ideas.” - Randy Burman


Randy Burman moved to Miami in 1976 and first worked at a silkscreen workshop at the Lowe Art Museum/City of Miami Cultural Experiences Division in 1978. Between 1979 and 1994, he partnered in several graphic design studios and since 1995, he has been creative director at his own design firm, IKON Communication Marketing Design. In 1967, a work of his was selected for the Baltimore Museum of Art’s Regional Painting Show, and in 1968, he had his first one-man show at the University of Maryland Baltimore County. In 1969, he became a staff artist on Baltimore’s underground newspaper, Harry, and in 1972, he art directed The Fells Point Telegraphé and created movie titles with fellow artist Alan Rose for John Waters’ Pink Flamingos. In 2005, he returned to fine art practice and in 2010 became a member of the Artformz Collective. He has participated in exhibitions at Artformz, the Armory Art Center in West Palm Beach, the Art Center of South Florida, the 1310 Gallery in Fort Lauderdale, The Projects in Fort Lauderdale’s FAT Village Arts District, and internationally at Artista Invita Artista in Valencia, Spain.

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