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Luke Jenkins

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Luke Jenkins is currently based in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. He received a BFA in Furniture Design from the Rhode Island School of Design, with a focus on making and materiality. He also received a Master's in Sustainable Design from the Design Academy Eindhoven in the Netherlands, a program with an emphasis on sustainable and humanitarian thinking. Jenkins merges traditional making and design sensibilities with new technologies such as laser cutting, CNC routing, and 3D printing. In 2019, he opened In Bloom Studio, located in Fort Lauderdale. This design/build studio focuses on furniture design and art fabrication, with an attention to detail and a respect for material. He previously held the role of Exhibition Designer/Lead Installer at the NSU Art Museum, and taught furniture design and directed the digital fabrication labs at the Florida Atlantic University School of Architecture. His practice emphasizes materiality, sustainability, and a sense of community.

1650 Harrison St.
Hollywood, FL 33020

954. 921. 3274


The Art and Culture Center/Hollywood is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization supported in part by its Members, guest admissions, public and private entities including the City of Hollywood, Broward County Cultural Division, Broward County Board of County Commissioners, Max Chira and Family, State of Florida Art and Cultural Division, National Endowment for the Arts, Community Foundation of Broward, David and Francie Horvitz Family Foundation, Maurer Family Foundation, Josephine S. Leiser Foundation, and Helen Ingham Foundation. We welcome donations from all who wish to support our work to strengthen the South Florida arts community.

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Gallery Hours

Wednesday – Friday, 10 am – 5 pm
Saturday – Sunday, Noon – 4 pm

The Galleries are closed
on Mondays and Tuesdays.

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