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Artem Mirolevich

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Artem Mirolevich was born in Minsk, Belarus. At 17, he moved to the USA and enrolled in the School of Visual Art, New York City. He was granted a full scholarship from the Department of Illustration and also spent a semester at Amsterdam's Rietvield Art Academy as an exchange student. New York and Amsterdam's cultural and architectural landscape inspired Artem to produce many works of art, including images of a post-apocalyptic city submerged deep under water. Invigorated by his experience abroad, he was drawn to the idea of exploring other countries of the world. Mirolevich is trained as an illustrator, and his high skill for extreme detail is present in all his works, whether etchings or oils on canvas. Each work is a tale of its own, a surrealist tale of otherworldly places and people, where the artist’s imagination is completely set free. Mirolevich’s work is a portal to the mystical meta-civilization, where doom and hope co-exist. The artist is not afraid to make statements on global warming or decadence of consumerist society, thus offering more layers than the eye can examine in his very richly worked compositions. As of today, Mirolevich has participated in over 100 solo and group exhibitions in museums, galleries and art fairs worldwide, including solo shows in England, France, Switzerland, Italy, Russia, Japan, Qatar, Kazakhstan, Latvia and USA. He’s a founder and curator of Russian Pavilion and Art Cosmos.

1650 Harrison St.
Hollywood, FL 33020

954. 921. 3274


The Art and Culture Center/Hollywood is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization supported in part by its Members, guest admissions, public and private entities including the City of Hollywood, Broward County Cultural Division, Broward County Board of County Commissioners, Max Chira and Family, State of Florida Art and Cultural Division, National Endowment for the Arts, Community Foundation of Broward, David and Francie Horvitz Family Foundation, Maurer Family Foundation, Josephine S. Leiser Foundation, and Helen Ingham Foundation. We welcome donations from all who wish to support our work to strengthen the South Florida arts community.

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Gallery Hours

Wednesday – Friday, 10 am – 5 pm
Saturday – Sunday, Noon – 4 pm

The Galleries are closed
on Mondays and Tuesdays.

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