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Janet Mueller was born in Champaign, IL and received a Bachelor of Science in Marketing, College of Commerce from the University of Illinois. Mueller worked as a graphic designer and a producer of advertisements in TV and print, winning 11 awards for creativity. She has had 13 solo exhibitions including a show in 2001 in Rome, Italy and in 2017 at the Painting Center, Chelsea, New York City and has participated in group shows in many cities in the United States. Mueller’s art concepts were short-listed by Miami-Dade Art in Public Places for projects in Aventura and Miami Lakes. In 2013, she was chosen to paint an abstract on a 93-foot wall in the courtyard of R House, in Wynwood. She repainted the wall in 2020.


Janet Mueller

1 of 2 pieces

Hot Pink on Watermelon

Design printed on all cotton fabric,

hand-sewn onto a cotton shirt

19" x 23"

Janet Mueller

1650 Harrison St.
Hollywood, FL 33020

954. 921. 3274


The Art and Culture Center/Hollywood is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization supported in part by its Members, guest admissions, public and private entities including the City of Hollywood, Broward County Cultural Division, Broward County Board of County Commissioners, Max Chira and Family, State of Florida Art and Cultural Division, National Endowment for the Arts, Community Foundation of Broward, David and Francie Horvitz Family Foundation, Maurer Family Foundation, Josephine S. Leiser Foundation, and Helen Ingham Foundation. We welcome donations from all who wish to support our work to strengthen the South Florida arts community.

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Gallery Hours

Wednesday – Friday, 10 am – 5 pm
Saturday – Sunday, Noon – 4 pm

The Galleries are closed
on Mondays and Tuesdays.

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